A Customer Relationship Management System for Using Google Design Sprints, a platform specialising in legal matter management, recognised the need for a more efficient and user-friendly solution. To address this, the team embarked on a journey to develop a robust Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system known as PMS. This case study explores the UX design processes carried out in 2020 for PMS, integrating the principles of Google Design Sprints.

The development process for PMS began by gaining a comprehensive understanding of's business workflow, which was meticulously mapped against proto-personas. In addition to this, a deep dive into the existing tools and workflows was conducted to identify problem areas. Proto-personas formed the foundation for user interviews, facilitating the discovery of pain points and edge cases. The user journey mapping served as the basis for design sprints, where Google Design Sprints methodology was employed. This lean UX approach enabled the creation of a sequence of prototypes followed by frequent user testing, ensuring rapid results.


During the discovery phase, the team analysed more than twenty competitors in the legal management market, examining their features and interaction patterns. These insights were invaluable for defining the Minimum Viable Product (MVP). Features were prioritized based on empathy mapping, pain points, and development feasibility. Additionally, this research led to the creation of a UI element collection, which served as a foundation for selecting the React library.

Design System Guidelines

A comprehensive Design System guidelines, following the principles of Atomic Design, was developed. The guidelines were based on nested elements, ensuring an agile and consistent design across all pages. Typography hierarchy and colour schemes were meticulously designed and tested for accessibility compliance with WCAG standards.

UX for API

The UX design was optimised to leverage React's efficiency and minimize loading times. Critical data needed for user tasks loaded first, enhancing page accessibility. The sidebar content was loaded after the main content section, ensuring users had instant access to essential information.

UI Structure

PMS's UI structure was designed to accommodate a wealth of information and actionable tools without compromising loading speed. Input fields were organized in tabs and accordions on the left side, promoting efficient navigation and data loading via API. Supplementary information was hosted in the sidebar, while a footer bar provided access to tools like inbox, VoIP call integration, and the calendar.

Conditional States and Notifications

Notifications were intelligently categorized using colored icons, delivering immediate user feedback. Conditional rules were applied to certain fields, and notifications provided additional information related to selected values, helping users understand changes through coloured icons.


Tooltips were implemented to offer users relevant information, ensuring a seamless experience with minimal waiting time.


PMS, the CMS created for, embodies a thoughtful and user-centric design process. By prioritizing user needs, conducting extensive research, and implementing an efficient design system, PMS successfully provides a clear, modern, and fast-loading interface for managing legal matters. The integration of Google Design Sprints methodology accelerated the design and development process, fostering innovation and user-centric solutions in the legal management domain.


National Workplace Initiative