Vodafone — Express Upgrade

Redesigning Vodafone Express Upgrade through Survey and A/B Testing for Optimal Results

This case study highlights the remarkable journey of redesigning the Vodafone Express Upgrade program, placing a strong emphasis on customer experience enhancement. Through the implementation of surveys and A/B testing, Vodafone embarked on a data-driven approach to optimize the upgrade process.


Vodafone Express Upgrade aims to provide a quick and convenient way for eligible customers to redeem upgrade offers for their devices and mobile plans. The upgrade offer includes the latest mobile device and a competitive discount on the mobile plan. However, the existing customer experience has revealed some potential issues, leading to changes or cancellations of orders through customer care. This case study explores the customer's attitude towards the Express Upgrade offer and their decision-making process.

Research Design

The research consisted of data analysis, a survey, and a series of interviews. The survey aimed to collect quantitative data to create comprehensive customer profiles and explore their attitudes towards the brand and commercial offers. The interviews aimed to uncover users' direct experiences with the Express Upgrade offer.

Data Analysis

To investigate the issue, data from the Express Upgrade orders database was analyzed. The data showed that order cancellations accounted for over 30%, followed by plan-only changes (around 20%) and device color changes. Device type changes represented a relatively small group. Most customers who made multiple changes kept the same device but opted for a different plan and color. Based on this analysis, three segments of interest were identified: order cancellation, plan change, and color change.

Device Type Changes

Based on the collected data, it was observed that there is a lack of significant user demand for device downgrades or upgrades within a specific device family. The majority of users showed a preference for the iPhone 12 Standard model, which provides a wider range of color options compared to the Pro and Mini models. This suggests that consumers are not necessarily inclined to switch their device model; instead, they are more interested in a device that offers personalization options.

Device Colour Changes

The analysis of device colour changes revealed that most customers switched from the standard colour Pacific Blue to more personalised options such as Black, Grey, Gold, Violet, or Purple.


A survey of 25 minutes was conducted among Vodafone consumers aged 25 to 50 who were key decision-makers for their telco provider and service. A total of 1207 records were collected, ensuring the sample represented the Vodafone customer population in terms of age, gender, location, and service used. The survey covered topics such as devices used, spending habits, attitudes towards technology, brand switching, preferences for shopping channels, social media usage, and demographics.


The survey indicated that high-income customers seek innovative products and services, valuing staying up-to-date with the latest trends. These customers are more likely to respond positively to personalized and targeted marketing communications, making them an ideal target for the Express Upgrade offer. However, it was also found that negative experiences with the offer among customers aged 25 to 34 may lead them to express their opinions on customer review platforms and social media. The presence of these reviews has the potential to negatively impact the performance of the Express Upgrade offer campaign and another marketing initiative, particularly among the 35 to 44 age group who heavily depend on reviews and social proof as influential factors.

User Interviews

Eighteen customers who had changed their orders within five days were interviewed over the phone. The participants were selected to represent each segment of interest (cancellation, color change, and plan change) within two age groups (25-34 and 35-45), with a mix of genders, device types, and locations.


Overall, participants found the details of the Express Upgrade offer easy to find and understand. Placing orders was considered a simple and straightforward process. However, some participants admitted to not carefully reading the offer details due to excitement or impulsive buying. Specific insights were identified for each segment, such as the preference for color choice, reliance on customer care or in-store visits for plan changes, and a lack of clarity in plan inclusions.


Based on the survey and interview findings, it can be hypothesized that the Express Upgrade experience triggers intuitive and spontaneous decision-making styles in some customers. This may lead to careless decisions without detailed planning, resulting in order changes or cancellations. To address this, the user experience of Express Upgrade should allow and facilitate the evaluation of alternatives, ensuring a positive post-purchase evaluation. Additionally, considering the consumer decision making process stages (need recognition, information gathering, evaluating alternatives, purchase, and post-purchase evaluation) is crucial when designing the user experience for Express Upgrade.

Hypothesis and Testing

To improve the Express Upgrade experience, several changes have been implemented. One significant change is allowing customer choice and addressing the need for exploring plan details. The plan information has been structured into distinct areas to enhance clarity and transparency. A plan comparison module has been introduced to highlight the main differences between the current plan and the suggested upgrade.

Plan and Offer Details

To address the lack of clarity and transparency expressed by customers, the plan information has been restructured. Two distinct areas are now presented to clearly outline plan details and provide transparency. Additionally, a plan comparison module has been introduced to make it easier for customers to compare their current plan with the suggested upgrade.


When the hypotheses has been tested, this option has resulted in:

  • Increase of conversion rate by 67%

  • reduction in order change by over 32%

  • reduction in the exit rate by 12%


MyTelstra — Order Tracker