The Use of Native Patterns in Apps: Jakob's Law and Increased Usability

Jakob's Law of the Internet User Experience states that "users spend most of their time on other websites, so they expect your site to work like all the other sites they already know." This principle is also applicable to apps. When users download an app, they have certain expectations about how it will work based on their experiences with other apps.

One way to ensure that your app meets these expectations is to use native patterns. Native patterns are the standard ways of doing things in a particular platform. For example, the standard way to close an app on iOS is to swipe it up from the bottom of the screen. If your app uses a different way to close, it will be confusing and frustrating for users.

There are several benefits to using native patterns in apps. First, it makes your app more intuitive and easy to use. Users don't have to learn new ways of doing things, which can save them time and effort. Second, it makes your app more consistent with other apps on the same platform. This can help users to feel more comfortable and familiar with your app. Third, it can help to improve the overall usability of your app.

Here are some specific examples of how the use of native patterns can improve usability:

  • Navigation: The navigation bar is typically located at the bottom of the screen in iOS apps and at the top of the screen in Android apps. This is a consistent pattern that users are familiar with, so it makes it easy for them to find their way around your app.

  • Buttons: The standard way to interact with buttons in iOS apps is to tap them. In Android apps, you can also long-press buttons to access additional options. By following these standard patterns, you can make your buttons easy to use and understand.

  • Forms: The standard way to fill out forms in iOS apps is to tap on the text fields and enter your information. In Android apps, you can also use the keyboard to enter text. By following these standard patterns, you can make your forms easy to use and complete.

  • Gestures: Gestures are a powerful way to interact with apps, but they can also be confusing if they are not used consistently. For example, the standard way to go back in an iOS app is to swipe left from the edge of the screen. If your app uses a different gesture, it will be confusing for users.

By following the principles of Jakob's Law and using native patterns in your apps, you can create a more user-friendly and intuitive experience for your users. This can lead to increased satisfaction, retention, and engagement.

In addition to the benefits mentioned above, using native patterns can also help to improve the performance of your app. This is because native patterns are typically implemented using the native APIs of the platform, which are optimized for performance. As a result, apps that use native patterns are often faster and more responsive than apps that do not.

Of course, there are some cases where it may be necessary to deviate from native patterns. For example, you may need to create a new pattern that is more efficient or effective for your specific app. However, in general, it is best to stick to native patterns whenever possible.

The MyTelstra app is a good example of how the use of native patterns can improve usability. The app follows the standard navigation patterns for iOS, making it easy for users to find their way around. The buttons are also consistent with the standard patterns, making them easy to understand and use.

The app also uses native patterns for forms and gestures. For example, the standard way to fill out a form in iOS is to tap on the text fields and enter your information. The app follows this pattern, making it easy for users to complete the forms. The app also uses the standard gestures for going back, navigating between screens, and opening menus.

The Order Tracker feature in the MyTelstra app is a good example of how native patterns can be used to improve the performance of an app.

The Order Tracker uses the native date picker to allow users to reschedule their appointments. The date picker is optimised for performance on iOS, so it is quick and responsive. This makes it easy for users to reschedule their appointments without having to wait for the app to load.

In addition to the benefits mentioned above, using native patterns can also help to improve the accessibility of apps. This is because native patterns are typically designed with accessibility in mind. For example, the standard date picker in iOS is accessible to users with disabilities, such as those who are blind or have difficulty using their hands.

Overall, using native patterns in apps can be a great way to improve usability, performance, and accessibility. By following the standard patterns for the platform your app is being developed for, you can create an app that is easy to use, efficient, and accessible to everyone.

Here are some additional tips for using native patterns in apps:

  • Use the standard patterns for the platform your app is being developed for.

  • Make sure your app is consistent with other apps on the same platform.

  • Use native APIs to implement native patterns.

  • Test your app with users to make sure it is easy to use.

  • Be open to deviating from native patterns if it is necessary to improve usability.

Related Project: Telstra — Order Tracker


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